Fireworks Are Fun But Best Left To The Professionals

06/27/17 – 12:19 P.M.

The Fourth of July Holiday is next week and Prevent Blindness wants you to leave fireworks to the professionals. Regional Director Darci Downie said that almost 12,000 people suffered from fireworks injuries in 2015.

Darci Downie

About 1900 of the injuries were to the eye and one-third of those injuries caused permanent blindness. Downie said that you can have fun on July Fourth without the fireworks.

Darci Downie

Downie added there are other groups that want you to stop setting off your own fireworks also. They include dog shelters, farmers, and some veteran groups. Fireworks can startle dogs and cattle, as well as damage crops. Veterans with PTSD can endure symptoms and stress from fireworks discharge.