Mihalik Recaps Trip To U.S. Mexico Border

6/22/18 – 10:49 A.M.

Findlay Mayor Lydia Mihalik recapped her trip to the U.S. Mexico border Friday. During an interview with WFIN’s Chris Oaks, Mihalik said she made the trip with 9 other mayors because they didn’t think other methods would get anyone’s attention…

Audio: Lydia Mihalik

Mihalik says one goal of the trip was to influence the people the mayors represent to reach out to their Senators and Congressman to speak their mind about immigration policy.

Mihalik says even though President Trump signed an executive order that at least temporarily stops the separation of children from illegal immigrant parents at the border, there’s a lot of work to do…

Audio: Lydia Mihalik

She wants to see a clear framework for how they are going to reunite families. Mihalik adds the government doesn’t have a good record of keeping track of children stopped at the border.

Mihalik also says she doesn’t believe this should be a partisan issue…

Audio: Lydia Mihalik

Mihalik says at the very least she hopes the attention brought to this issue sparks serious discussion about immigration policy in Washington D.C.