Residents Come To Findlay COuncil Meeting To Oppose Rezoning Ordinance For Spruce Drive Property

Findlay City Council Chambers was full of people wanting to voice their opposition to the rezoning of a property on Spruce Drive. Councilman Dennis Hellman said that residents didn’t think a duplex or triplex would fit into the community.

Dennis Hellman

Over 20 residents were at the meeting claiming that the rezoning was a bad idea. Many were also concerned with how Findlay handles notices of rezoning work. Current policy says that only the budding property owners have to be noticed.

Dennis Hellman

Hellman said that there needs to be more notifications for people that are affected. Many residents didn’t know about the rezoning ordinance until last weekend. Hellman said that they are considering using signs to show when a property is getting rezoned.

Council voted against rezoning the property.