Impacts Of Opioid Crisis Continues To Eat Away At Hancock County Budget

5/10/18 – 11:11 A.M.

Problems stemming from the opioid epidemic and related crime continue to eat into the Hancock County budget, but there’s no extra money available to deal with it. Commissioner Tim Bechtol says they have to do a better job of communicating the impact of the situation…

Audio: Tim Bechtol

The commissioners say the state isn’t offering as much reimbursement money for law enforcement programs. Voters have rejected a jail expansion and money for child and adult protective services.

Commissioner Brian Robertson agrees they have to have a better dialogue. He says the public and private sectors do a good job informing the public when it comes to economic development. Robertson says applying that template to discussing community issues could work…

Audio: Brian Robertson

The ongoing opioid crisis took another bite out of the budget today. The commissioners approved a $13,500 additional appropriation to the budget to pay for felony delinquent care and custody.