Hancock County Commissioners Clarify Role In Blanchard River Widening Project

5/8/18 – 10:59 A.M.

Last Friday, the Maumee Watershed Conservancy District approved an extra $675,000 for the Blanchard River widening project in Findlay. Today, Hancock County Commissioner Brian Robertson said while the money is additional, it wasn’t unexpected…

Audio: Brian Robertson

Robertson says the commissioners feel the $675,000 amendment to the contract is needed in this case. He adds change orders are common in any engineering project.

The conservancy also approved an additional $45,000 for design fees during their Friday meeting.

A 2016 memorandum of understanding between Hancock County and the conservancy authorizes the conservancy to approve Blanchard River enhancement projects…

Audio: Brian Robertson

The agreement says the county will pay for the work out of money raised from a quarter percent sales tax.