Millstream Career Center Students Create Presentation On Dating Violence And Sexual Assault

03/24/17 – 1:33 P.M.

Local students are sponsoring two presentations to raise awareness of dating violence and sexual assault. Millstream Medical students John Ried, Ryan Shorter, and Caleb Wallace put together the “Stop the Silence” campaign. They held fundraisers to raise money for the event. They also worked with Open Arms Domestic Violence Center and Blanchard Valley hospital to bring awareness to the issue.

The presentations are both being held Wednesday in the Millstream Cafe. The first is at 3 p.m. and the second is at 5:30 p.m.

The three young men, Muriel Black from Open Arms, and SANE Nurse Michelle Stratton from Blanchard Valley Hospital are the presenters.

Refreshments will be served after each session. They made the presentation in conjunction with the upcoming Skills USA state competition.