Speaker Panel Discusses The Importance Of The #Metoo Movement

03/29/18 – 3 A.M.

There was a panel discussion at the Black Heritage Library and Multicultural Center in Findlay Wednesday night on the #metoo movement. Moderator Nancy Stephani said that this has been a monumental step forward for women.

Nancy Stephani

The panel consisted of women from various backgrounds ranging from a sexual assault nurse examiner to a retired prosecutor. They said that the movement got its start several years ago but took off in the past few because of the success of other hashtag movements.

They also said that it helps give women and some men the strength to share their stories. They talked about how in years prior, fear made many victims keep their assault a secret. The movement shows that they are not alone and that there is a platform to help them even if their assault happened decades ago.

They also talked about how the movement has set the ground for the future. The panelist agreed that the conversation needs to keep going. This will help educate kids about consent and acceptable behaviors.

The panelist were SANE nurse Michelle Strattion, University of Findlay professor of psychology Andrea Mata, UF professor of social work Robin Walters-Powell, retired prosecutor Elaine Ashley, Fremont City Schools social worker Cassandrea Tucker, and Methodist minister Kelly Sterling.