Income Tax Revenue Down In Findlay

3/22/17 – 5:28 A.M.

Income tax revenue in Findlay is down around 11 percent from last year. The Courier reports the city has collected roughly $600,000 less than through the same time in 2016. Income tax collections stood at $5.1 million last Friday.

City auditor Jim Staschiak tells the newspaper it’s still early in the year and officials will keep monitoring the situation. He added, “we really don’t have a solid handle on it until September-October.” Staschiak said it’s too early to consider big spending reductions.

Service-Safety Director Paul Schmelzer says, “We’ll continue to track the revenue as it comes in, and as we get into the fourth quarter take a look at anything that we would have to do operationally going into next year.”

MORE: The Courier