Phase 1 Of Blanchard River Flood Reduction Project Moving Forward

1/16/18 – 11:55 A.M.

Plans are officially in motion to start phase I of the Blanchard River flood mitigation project in Findlay this year. The Maumee Watershed Conservancy District mapped out a timeline for the year during a Tuesday meeting. It includes the removal of trees along the river…

Audio: Clark Lynn Army

Conservancy District director Clark Lynn Army says they have to have trees in the work area cleared before the end of March to comply with federal wildlife regulations.

After crews remove trees, bids for digging benches and removing riffle structures could go out late this summer…

Audio: Clark Lynn Army

Army stressed this part of the plan only focuses on work in Findlay. He adds that there is nothing new to discuss about Stantec Engineering’s proposal for dry storage basins south of Findlay.

The Conservancy also heard from storage basin opponent Linda Bishop and David Blatnik of the Blanchard River Watershed Solutions group. Bishop once again lobbied for a river cleaning project. Blatnik said they’ve had good meetings with the rural community and are forming a good relationship.

The Conservancy will hold a meeting in Findlay to talk about phase I next week. It is set for January 24 at 6 p.m. in the Winebrenner Theological Seminary.