Hancock County JFS Requesting Levy To Deal With Increasing Human Services Needs

1/4/18 – 12:41 P.M.

The price of human services continues to increase in Hancock County. As a result, the Department of Job and Family Services plans to ask residents to pass a levy to help pay for the rising costs. JFS Director Diana Hoover explained why costs keep increasing to the county commissioners Thursday…

Audio: Diana Hoover

Hoover says without more funding, they’ll run into significant issues…

Audio: Diana Hoover

Hoover says the biggest strain on their budget is finding places for children to live when agents remove them from their parents’ home. In turn, that’s leading to increasing costs for Hancock County…

Audio: Diana Hoover

The commissioners have until February 7 to submit the measure to the Hancock County Board of Elections for placement on the May ballot.