Raise The Bar Committee Touts 2017 Successes, States Case For Continued Funding

11/21/17 – 11:42 A.M.

With county budgets tightening, the Raise the Bar committee pitched its case to the Hancock County Commissioners Tuesday. Director Laurie Zydonik says the job readiness program saw a lot of success in 2017, including helping to expand Cooper Tire’s “Dream It. Do It” program…

Audio: Laurie Zydonik

Zydonik says its important to give high school students a look at career options in area manufacturing to drive up local workforce numbers.

Commissioner Brian Robertson said he supports the Raise the Bar program. He cautioned that with the failure of the sales tax levy the county is looking at how they can pour existing resources into funding crime and safety mandates.

Zydonik says the county is one of five groups that agreed to invest $30,000 per year for the program. The agreement started in 2016. Zydonik added she understands the budget crunch but believes Raise the Bar programming will help reduce crime by helping people find good jobs at an earlier age.