Rededication Ceremony Held For Renovated Dorney Plaza

10/17/17 – 1:41 P.M.

The newly renovated Dorney Plaza in downtown Findlay is officially open. Community leaders and elected officials gathered for a rededication ceremony Tuesday afternoon…

AUDIO: Katherine Kreuchauf

Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation president Katherine Kreuchauf says the new Dorney Plaza fits the ideals of its namesake, L. Dale Dorney…

AUDIO: Katherine Kreuchauf

Dorney left an endowment for the community that has funded many arts and education projects in the community. It also is the basis for the community foundation.

The renovated plaza features grassy areas, a walkway, and some stone benches. Architect Jerry Murray says the stone for the benches came from the same quarry as the stone used for the Hancock County Courthouse. Dorney Plaza sits just to the south of the courthouse on South Main Street.