(From the Kiwanis Club of Findlay)
The Kiwanis Club of Findlay launched the 2023-24 service year with the installation of officers and directors. Kiwanis Division 1 South Past Lt. Governors Rick Kidwell and Rich Ulmes officiated the installation and presented the incoming officers and board of directors to the membership: President Cassie Turner, President-Elect Jeremy Strapp, Vice President Brian Bauman, Secretary Karen Brannan, Treasurer Annette Shaffer and Immediate Past President Danielle Wilkin. Members of the Board of Directors are Jack Bindel, Dan Clinger, Danielle Fisher, Carl Hayslett, Matt Leddy, Jason May, Ashley Ritz, and Joan Sayer.
Members retiring from board service are Brent Gibson, Andrew Stepleton, Deb Wickerham, and Shannan Connelly
Kiwanians celebrating anniversary years included Rich Ulmes – 30 years, Ann Woolum – 25 years, Grant Russel – 20 years, Leni Mueller & Troy Steinbrook – 15 years, and celebrating 10 years of service were Brian Beall, Sarah Clevidence, Shannan Connelly, Joan Sayer, and Deb Wickerham.
Outgoing President Danielle Wilkin recognized several members for their contributions this year, including Alex Monroe who received the McNish, Menges, and Sayer award, an award named in honor of longtime Findlay Kiwanians Ron Menges, Jim Sayer, and the late Howard McNish and awarded in acknowledgement of humble and meaningful service. Larry Nold was honored as Findlay Kiwanis’ Kiwanian of the Year for the 2022-23 service year.
Chartered in 1920, the Kiwanis Club of Findlay is open to those who want to make a difference in their community and world. A snapshot of the community, with members from all walks of life and at every step of the career ladder, Kiwanians are unified in the belief that children and their communities benefit from the efforts of a proficient group of caring and involved volunteers.
Those wishing to learn more about Kiwanis are encouraged to reach out through social media, attend a meeting as a guest, or visit the club’s website at FindlayKiwanis.com. The Kiwanis Club of Findlay meets every Wednesday at noon at the D.O.C.K. at St. Mark’s.