Local Officials Working Together To Bring Opioid Quick Response Team To Findlay

8/17/17 – 11:27 A.M.

Local leaders are working together to get more resources to fight the opioid epidemic locally. The Hancock County Commissioners signed off on a letter today support for the city of Findlay’s attempt to get grant money for a drug overdose Quick Response Team…

Audio: Mark Gazarek

Commissioner Mark Gazarek says the money comes from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

The amount of the grant could hinge on how many other cities apply for funding. The state has set aside $3 million for the program…

Audio: Mark Gazarek

Gazarek says fighting the opioid epidemic is one of Attorney General Mike DeWine’s top priorities.

According to the Attorney General’s website, “Quick Response Teams are made up of law enforcement officers partnering with drug treatment providers and others who assist overdose survivors in the recovery process.” It goes on to say, “team members visit survivors after an overdose and offer counseling and referrals to drug rehabilitation facilities for assessment, detoxification, on-going drug treatment, and aftercare.”