People voting in the May 3rd primary are being asked to support a replacement levy for mental health services in Hancock County.
The Hancock County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) says supporting mental health not only benefits the individuals who need the help, but the entire community.
Dr. Ami Orr, a local pediatrician, says without taxpayer support, a lot of mental health services that people rely on would cease to exist.
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ADAMHS says, in the past year, thousands of Hancock County residents were directly impacted by mental health and substance use services provided by local agencies including : Ohio Guidestone (formerly A Renewed Mind); Family Resource Center; FOCUS Recovery and Wellness Community; and, NAMI Hancock County.
Local levy dollars were used to subsidize the services when there was no other source of funding.
The 1.3 mill replacement levy will be for continuing operations as well as an expansion of services beginning this year.
The levy is the only countywide issue on the ballot in Hancock County.
Click here to see what other issues and candidates are on the May 3rd primary ballot.
Dr. Orr was on with WFIN’s Chris Oaks, and you can get their full conversation by clicking here.