Ohio Holds Summit On Helping Ukrainian Refugees

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine on Thursday opened the Ohio Summit on Ukrainian Refugees at St. Vladimir Grand Hall in Parma.

Hosted by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, the event brought together various organizations to ensure Ohio is ready to help, should it be asked to accept Ukrainian refugees.

“We are gathered today because we are concerned about the people of Ukraine. We are concerned about families who have been forced out of their homes, their neighborhoods, and their country because of the unprovoked, brutal invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin and his military,” said Governor DeWine.

“But we are here to get started, to plan, to get ready, and to brainstorm so we are prepared if, as a state, we are asked to help support those families.”

More than 110 people attended, representing at least 60 organizations, including resettlement agencies, faith-based organizations, charities, and others with an interest in the well-being of Ukrainians.

They heard presentations from federal and state officials, as well as panel discussions regarding the resettlement process, and the refugee experience.

The day ended with a networking session that allowed community organizations to ask questions and exchange ideas with others wanting to help displaced individuals.

The governor’s office says the day ended with agreement that it could be some time before the exact needs of those fleeing Ukraine are known, but that there are numerous organizations willing to work together to address those needs.

