Write Kids A Letter Of Encouragement At UF Event

The University of Findlay is inviting the campus and local community to participate in the Absolutely Incredible Kid Day Letter Writing Campaign.

Tables will be set up at the Alumni Memorial Union on Thursday, March 10th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

People are invited to write letters to children from their own family or circle of friends as well as children in Hancock County who could really benefit from a letter of encouragement.

Stationery, stickers, markers, envelopes, sample letters, and other supplies will be available.

“I have seen the impact a handwritten letter can have on a child,” said Morgan Kuhlman, a junior in Early Childhood Education at the University of Findlay and chair of the Absolutely Incredible Kid Day event.

“Last year when I was tutoring some students in reading, I would send them letters to tell them how proud I was of them and how amazing they are. I got emails back from parents thanking me for doing this for their child because it showed them how much I truly cared.”

She says the event is special because it provides much needed support and encouragement to each and every child who receives a letter.

“That is why I love chairing this event because it makes each child feel special!”

For more information, people can contact the Office of Student Activities at 419-434-4606 or email studentactivities@findlay.edu.

