Blanchard Falling In Ottawa, Cleanup Efforts Underway

7/17/17 – 5:39 A.M.

The Blanchard River remains in minor flood stage in Ottawa today, but is on its way down once again. The National Weather Service calls for the river to leave flood stage by this afternoon at the latest. The river crested at just over 27.5 feet Saturday afternoon.

Ottawa Mayor Dean Meyer told us over the weekend that water crept into several areas of the village, but that flood mitigation efforts seemed to help this time around…

Audio: Dean Meyer

As for the clean up effort in Ottawa, Meyer tells the Courier the main plan is to collect flood debris that residents and businesses leave at the side of the road.

Officer Tammy Blank of the Ottawa Police Department told the newspaper the office didn’t have to perform any water rescues, although a semi got stuck in high water on Main Street Saturday.