BGSU Permanently Expels Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Bowling Green State University has permanently expelled the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, the organization that was involved in the suspected hazing death of student Stone Foltz in March.

“This is permanent loss of recognition – the fraternity will never again be recognized at BGSU in the future,” a statement from BGSU read.

The statement says the fraternity’s expulsion is because of hazing, which is absolutely intolerable.

BGSU says its investigation found the fraternity to be reckless with a disregard for the health and safety of our community.

“This investigation also revealed a deep culture of deception rooted in the organization, filled with dishonesty and disrespect for our community.”

BGSU says Pi Kappa Alpha’s expulsion is a step forward in eradicating hazing at BGSU, and that local law enforcement and individual student conduct investigations are ongoing.

Read the university’s full statement here.