Diversity Rally Held Outside Findlay Municipal Building

The City of Findlay held a Diversity Rally outside the municipal building on Thursday.

One of the speakers at the event was Nina Parker, founder of the Black Heritage Library and Multicultural Center in Findlay.

“Yes we have anger, yes we have hurt, yes we have pain but we must channel it to appreciation of diversity,” Parker said.

She continued by saying she doesn’t want people to just tolerate her, she wants people to get to know her.

“Facebook me, hit me up!” she said.

Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn said change can start within all of us.

“It starts by each of us choosing to make changes in our own lives, our own families, our own communities.”

The mayor added that she’s proud of the leadership of so many people within the community who recognize the importance of unity and diversity.

People have been protesting George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in peaceful demonstrations outside the Hancock County Courthouse this week.