Findlay City Council Passes Salary Ordinance Despite Contention

Original Post: 05/16/17 – 11 P.M.
Updated Post: 05/17/17 – 5:17 P.m.

Findlay City Council passed the salary ordinance with some contention during their Tuesday meeting. The ordinance sets the salary after the service-safety director position is split. Mayor Lydia Mihalik said that she is pleased with council’s decision.

Lydia Mihalik

Mihalik said that she thinks this will be beneficial to the city.

Lydia Mihalik

Three members of council voted against the ordinance. Councilwoman Holly Frische said that she thought more vetting needed to be done before passing the ordinance. She said that council is “just rubber stamping” what the administration recommends rather than looking into it. Mihalik disagreed saying that there is a high level of transparency between the administration and council. She added that she respects Frische’s desire to understand what is put before council.

Frische added that there needed to be more discussion about what the split will do and how much work will be involved. She questioned if the safety director position could be a part time job. This is because the police and fire departments are unionized. Mihalik disagreed saying that the unions play no role in managing city resources.