Findlay Fire Department Shares Thanksgiving Safety Tips

The Findlay Fire Department shared a video on Facebook showing what happens when a frozen turkey is put in a fryer, and spoilers, it involves a lot of fire.

Findlay Fire Inspector Kevin Shinise said it’s important to know the instructions.

He added that location also plays a major role in preventing fires.

Shinise said you also want to check for flammable objects like leaves that can spread quickly.

He added that it won’t hurt to have a fire extinguisher handy as well.

Inside your home, he said you’ll want to make sure your stove is clean and that you don’t put too much into it at once.

You should also make sure your fire detectors are working.

According to Shinise, the most thing is to pay attention to what you’re doing and don’t get distracted.

You can see what happens when a turkey is prepared incorrectly here.