Many Brave The Elements For Findlay Trick-Or-Treat

Youngsters in Findlay weren’t about to let some snow, sleet and 50 mile per hour winds keep them from their loot during Trick Or Treat on Thursday night.

Despite the ‘tricky’ weather a lot of kids could be seen up and down South Main Street going in search of their ‘treats’.

We caught up with Ron and his son Graham outside a home.

“I’ve done about 50 of these in my life and this is the first time I remember there being snow flurries,” Ron said.

But Ron said Graham, who was dressed as a skull trooper, was still having a great time despite the weather.

We spent a few minutes outside the home of Ray and Heidi on South Main (pictured above) and several different unicorns, football players and zombies came by for their treats.

“We’ve been seeing a lot of unicorns tonight, about four of five so far already,” Ray said.

A little further up South Main Melissa was handing out candy and while there weren’t as many trick or treaters as usual she said it was still a good turnout considering the weather.