106 And Still Gorgeous – Findlay Woman Shares The Secret To Living A Long Life

A very special young lady in Findlay has a big birthday coming up this weekend.

Eleanor Ronez will be turning 106!

She and her family were kind enough to let us spend some time with them ahead of her birthday party on Saturday.

We asked Eleanor what the secret to living a long and healthy life has been.

“No smoking, no drinking and no swearing,” she said.

Eleanor enjoys fishing, bowling, bingo, gardening and going on long car rides.

WFIN and The Courier both had a chance to meet Eleanor, and she was especially enamored with The Courier photographer’s big camera, which you can see in the video.

We joked that The Courier would be taking on a “new” intern in the photo department.

Eleanor has six children and 149 total grandchildren.

Happy Birthday Eleanor! As your shirt says you’re ‘106 and still gorgeous.’