Candidate Profile: Heidi Mercer

4/18/17 – 5:30 A.M.

We continue our look at the candidates running in contested Findlay primary races today. Heidi Mercer is one of four Democrats running for a Council-at-Large seat. Mercer says she’s running so she can give a unique prospective to council…

Audio: Heidi Mercer

Mercer says topics like the opioid epidemic and affordable housing affect younger Findlay residents more.

Mercer says when it comes to the budget, she’d be fairly conservative…

Audio: Heidi Mercer

Mercer adds she believes Findlay residents should have a say in where the budget priorities are.

Mercer says bicyclists should be welcomed in downtown…

Audio: Heidi Mercer

She adds it would also be a good idea to listen to local bike shop owners when it comes to the issue.

Tomorrow’s profile will feature Mary Harshfield.

Full Interview:

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