Retired Hancock County Juvenile And Probate Court Judge Passes Away

11/21/18 – 5:01 A.M.

Retired Hancock County Juvenile and Probate Court Judge Allan Davis passed away Tuesday. Local legal professionals remember Davis as professional and kind, with a great sense of humor. Findlay attorney Tom Drake says Davis,  “tried to be fair to everybody. That didn’t mean you always won your case, but he was considered to be a very fair judge that people enjoyed appearing in front of.”

Retired Hancock County Common Pleas Judge Joseph Niemeyer says Davis believed in giving kids a second or third chance, but that he also expected them to make positive progress.

Davis served as the juvenile and probate judge from 1974 to 2015. He was the youngest judge in Ohio when voters first put him in office. When he retired three years ago he was the state’s longest-serving juvenile and probate judge.

MORE: The local legal community remembers Judge Davis