FCS Holding Another Town Hall On District’s Finances Ahead Of Levy

(From Findlay City Schools)

Mark your calendars for a Findlay City Schools Town Hall on April 9, 2025 at Donnell Middle School!

We are sticking with the same topic for this Town Hall (district finances) to be sure we get all your questions answered!

Join us to hear accurate information straight from our Superintendent, Treasurer, and members of the FCS Board of Education.

A link will be provided one week ahead of Town Hall for those wishing to submit questions ahead of time.

Watch the livestream here: youtube.com/live/69klF7k4rsY

WFIN – Findlay City Schools in February held a Town Hall at Glenwood Middle School on the district’s finances and financial challenges following the failed levy last November which resulted in a $6.1 million budget reduction

The Findlay City Schools Board of Education recently shared a second phase of potential budget reductions should the district’s 1 percent earned income tax levy on the May 6 ballot not pass.