Findlay City Schools Announces Second Phase Of Potential Budget Cuts

(From Findlay City Schools)

The Findlay City Schools Board of Education has shared a second phase of potential budget reductions should the district’s 1% earned income tax levy, appearing on the May 6 ballot, not pass. These reductions would be in addition to the $6 million in reductions for the 2025-2026 school year following the unsuccessful November 2024 levy.

Findlay City Schools has not received new operating funds from the community in over 20 years, and under Ohio law, school district property tax levies do not increase with inflation. The 1% earned income tax levy is designed to provide sustainable funding for the district while exempting retirees and those on fixed incomes from additional taxation.

Should the Board continue to be unsuccessful in securing additional operating funding, as shared in September of 2024, a second round of likely cuts would need to be implemented in FY27. The likely cuts would be in addition to the cuts taking place in FY26:

  • Reducing the administrative staff by up to an additional 4 positions
  • Reduce the teaching staff up to another approximate 15-20 positions, further increasing class sizes
  • Shift to half day kindergarten, reducing kindergarten staff in half
  • Further reductions to supplemental positions in athletics and the performing arts
  • Additional support staff reductions and safety/security reductions
  • Custodial and possibly maintenance staff reductions
  • Closing buildings at designated times to reduce utility costs
  • Limit or eliminate bussing to extracurricular activities

These likely reductions are subject to change based on retirements and resignations, changes to enrollment, changes to state or Federal funding, or other circumstances. Should additional revenue not be added to the general fund to offset the impending deficit, a third phase of cuts will be necessary and articulated by the Board of Education at a later date.

Findlay City Schools encourages residents to stay informed about the May 6 levy and its potential impact. Additional information, including financial details and FAQs, is available on the district’s website at

The district remains committed to providing quality education and encourages community members to attend upcoming informational sessions or contact the district office with any questions.