Veterans Needed To Join ‘Veterans Response Team’

The Hancock County Veterans Service Office is getting the word out about their Veterans Response Team and is seeking Veterans to help out with it.

The initiative is being headed up by Daniel Harmon, an Army Veteran and former Findlay police officer.

Harmon says the program trains Veterans in crisis intervention and mental health first aid so they can co-respond with law enforcement to de-escalate situations involving Veterans as a peer.   

“We have found over the years that a peer response is the best response, because these are people that have lived experience and kind of have an understanding of what these folks are going through.”



After the situation is de-escalated the Veterans Response Team will then refer the Veteran to any resources in the community that could assist them.

Harmon says they’re looking for Veterans who want to volunteer and go through the training and be on call to assist when needed.

Veterans interested can email or call 419-424-7036.