Children’s Mentoring Connection Wants To Hear Your Story

Children’s Mentoring Connection of Hancock County will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024.

Executive Director Stacy Shaw says they’ve connected hundreds of mentors and mentees over the years and wants to hear your story as part of their 50th anniversary.

Stacy says she got a nice surprise in her email the other day.

“A lovely surprise of a picture of a mentor and mentee from years ago who had got together over the Thanksgiving holiday.”

Stacy was on with WFIN’s Chris Oaks and you can more of the interview below.



Stacy says they’ll be holding events throughout 2024 to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

She says people can send their stories to her email

She reminds everyone that Children’s Mentoring Connection of Hancock County in 2022 moved to its new location in the Family Center at 1800 North Blanchard Street, Suite 126.