Flag City BalloonFest is coming up this weekend in Findlay.
It will be held on August 12th, 13th and 14th at Emory Adams Park.
BalloonFest’s Kellie Bibler says there will be 50 balloons participating this year and there will be five special shapes.
As Kellie mentioned in the audio above, BalloonFest is a family-friendly event that features food vendors, live music, Glow Encounter, a kids zone with inflatables and games, a petting zoo and much more. See the full schedule by clicking here.
There will also be balloon and helicopter rides, weather permitting.
Friday night is Veterans Night and Veterans can stop by the Veterans Tent for food and watch the event from a private viewing area.
There will also be fireworks on Friday night.
Click here for the Flag City BalloonFest website and click here for their Facebook page.
Below is video from a few years ago when WFIN’s Matt Demczyk went up on Friday morning.