The Findlay Airport will be breaking ground on a project this summer to reconstruct its north aircraft parking apron.
The reconstruction project will include a reinforced concrete parking hardstand to accommodate larger aircraft, improved drainage and clear pavement markings.
“The Findlay Airport is a great asset to our community and we’re very excited to continue to see it grow,” said Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn.
Mayor Muryn says the airport plays a pivotal role in the community by offering easy access to Findlay and on-demand cargo for local manufacturers, private charters, and corporate business travelers.
She said the airport currently has 25 based tenants and is maintaining a 100 percent occupancy rate.
The City of Findlay has received advance notice of a $1.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to fund the reconstruction of the north apron.
The project also includes two bid alternates to further rehabilitate the adjacent tie-down apron and T-hangar taxilane.
The total project cost is a little under $2.3 million and the local share will be just under $100,000.
The mayor says the terminal building will be updated in the coming years and they’re looking at other projects as well.