The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office is reminding everyone to be mindful of kids trick or treating in residential areas over the next several days.
Drivers need to slow down and be alert for children who may dart into and across the roadway.
Do not pass stopped vehicles, yield to pedestrians, and of course say off the cell phone.
Safety advice for parents taking their kids trick or treating includes; use all crosswalks and traffic signals and look both ways before crossing the street.
Make sure children have a flashlight or glow stick to make them more visible.
Children should only accept commercially packed candy items.
If a child is going trick or treating without parents, have them go in a larger group and take a familiar route.
Crime Prevention Specialist Corey Hartman has some more safety advice below.
Trick or treat locations and times:
October 28th
Bluffton 6:00-7:30
Vanlue 6:30-8:00
October 30th
Arcadia 5:00-6:30
Arlington 4:00-6:00
Findlay 4:00-6:00
Jenera 6:30-8:00
Mt. Blanchard 6:00-8:00
Mt. Cory 6:00-7:00
Rawson 6:00-7:30
Van Buren 4:00-6:00
October 31st
McComb 6:00-7:00
N. Baltimore 6:00-7:30