Monthly Archives: September 2021

BGSU To Require Covid Vaccinations for Spring

The administration at Bowling Green State University is following the lead of numerous other colleges and universities within the state in requiring that students and staff be vaccinated.

According to a communication from university President Rodney K. Rogers, the school will require that members of university community be vaccinated for the spring semester with proof provided by November 29th.

The statement also explained that those with health, religious, or conscientious objections to getting the shots will be considered for an exemption. Those who are granted a waiver will be required to follow designated protocols including wearing masks and submitting to regular Covid-19 testing.

See the complete statement here.

Alcohol Suspected In Multi-Vehicle Crash In Arlington

A man was injured when authorities say he caused two crashes in Arlington, one involving three semis.

The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office says John R. Drumm, 26, of Kenton, was driving south on North Main Street in Arlington at around 10:10 Thursday morning when he struck a vehicle that had slowed to turn into a business.

The sheriff’s office says Drumm fled the scene at a high rate of speed southbound on Main Street.

The sheriff’s office says Drumm then tried to pass a semi on the double yellow center line and was struck by a northbound semi.

The collision pushed Drumm’s car into the trailer of the semi he was attempting to pass.

Drumm’s car then struck a third semi that was northbound on Main Street.

The sheriff’s office says Drumm was taken to Blanchard Valley Hospital for injuries sustained in the crash and that alcohol is believed to have been involved.

Drumm was issued citations for improper passing and leaving the scene for the first crash.

In the second crash he was issued citations for passing in a no passing zone and OVI.




Senator Brown In Findlay For Housing/Infrastructure Roundtable

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown was in Findlay on Thursday for a roundtable discussion on housing needs and infrastructure as Congress works to make new investments in communities.

The Democrat is the chair of the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.




We also caught up with Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn after the roundtable discussion.

The senator and mayor agree that upgrading local housing and other infrastructure is crucial in helping attract businesses and residents.



Senator Brown said that Ohio towns like Findlay can’t reach their full potential and attract as many new jobs and residents as they could without more affordable housing.

We also asked Senator Brown about his thoughts about how President Biden handled the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.



He said for 20 years administrations have bungled Afghanistan.

“It could’ve been done better but what was handed to him was a big problem, and I think he’s mostly gotten us out of that problem.”



OSHP Urging Safe/Sober Driving Over Labor Day Holiday

The Ohio State Highway Patrol is urging drivers to be safe this Labor Day weekend.

The Highway Patrol says troopers will be focusing their enforcement efforts on removing impaired drivers from Ohio’s roadways.

“Motorists can do their part in keeping the roadways safe by never driving impaired and always designating a sober driver,” said Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.

“Protect yourself, your passengers, and others on the road by making smart choices and planning a safe ride home.”

During the 2020 Labor Day holiday weekend, 15 people were killed in 13 fatal crashes.

Ten of those fatalities involved alcohol and/or drugs, while six fatalities were unbelted. Troopers also made 545 impaired driving arrests during last year’s holiday weekend.

“When someone chooses to drive impaired, the consequences can be deadly,” said Colonel Richard S. Fambro, Patrol superintendent.

“Help make everyone’s holiday weekend safe by designating a sober ride home and asking friends and family to do the same.”

The 2021 Labor Day weekend reporting period begins Friday, September 3rd at 12 a.m. and ends Monday, September 6th at 11:59 p.m.

Motorists are encouraged to dial #677 to report impaired drivers and drug activity to the Highway Patrol.



Man Missing From Assisted Living Facility

A man has gone missing from an assisted living facility on Fox Run Road, in Findlay. Roger A Bradbury was last seen at the facility on Wednesday morning around 5:30. At that time he was wearing a black tee-shirt, blue jeans, and a black hat.

Bradbury is described an 80-year-old man, 5-feet-11-inches in height, with shoulder length gray hair and a short beard.

Police report that Bradbury has dementia and may be trying to reach Lima

Anyone knowing his location is asked to contact the Findlay Police Department at (419) 424-7150

OhioHealth Hardin Memorial Hospital Updates Visitor Policy

OhioHealth Hardin Memorial Hospital in Kenton is joining other area hospitals in redefining its visitor policy. In response to rising Covid-19 case numbers, the number of visitors will be limited in many cases. Patients receiving end of life care will be limited to three visitors at a time, but will have no limit on total number. Other patients’ visitors will be restricted, with all visitors required to wear masks and pass a short health screening.

Find the outline of the new policy here.

Blanchard Valley Health System updated its visitor policy last week.