Tiffin Municipal Arts Commisson Created

The City of Tiffin says City Council has approved the creation of the Tiffin Municipal Arts Commission, which is the first of its kind in the city’s history.

The Arts Commission will promote and oversee public art in the city of Tiffin.

The new Arts Commission is the result of the work of the Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership’s (TSEP) Downtown Design Committee, part of Downtown Tiffin’s Main Street program, together with Tiffin Mayor Aaron Montz and the City Administration.

“I am very pleased to see Tiffin continue to be proactive and progressive in enhancing the quality of life of our community,” Montz said.

“Public art is an important part our Downtown Strategic and Comprehensive Plans, and we believe it will build community pride, strengthen our downtown and tourism, and celebrate talent residing in our community.”

The Arts Commission will help develop public art sites, support artists, provide policy input, coordinate artwork installation and signage, serve as a liaison between stakeholders, serve as a resource to the City on art-related matters, develop a planning process, and other matters.

Get more on the new Tiffin Municipal Arts Council by clicking here.

