Findlay Company Recognized For Cutting-Edge Technology

A Findlay company is being honored by the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Endurica, LLC received the SBA’s prestigious Tibbetts Award for its accomplishments in creating cutting-edge technologies.

The SBA says Endurica’s advancements in rubber product design have led to cost savings in development programs and more durable parts for the U.S. Army, ultimately ensuring the safety of military personnel and civilians.

Get more details in the following news release from the U.S. Small Business Administration.

(In the above pic, SBA District Director Everett M. Woodel, Jr. honors Dr. William Mars, President of Endurica, LLC, of Findlay, with SBA’s Tibbetts Award for Innovative Research)


Endurica, LLC of Findlay, Ohio, is one of 38 companies to receive the U.S. Small Business Administration’s prestigious Tibbetts Award for its accomplishments in creating cutting-edge technologies. The Tibbetts Award, named after Roland Tibbetts, founder of the Small Business Innovation Research program, honors awardees for the exceptional successes achieved through SBA’s Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.

“Federal research funding through the SBIR and STTR programs enables small businesses to create innovative solutions to critical American priorities in an increasingly technology-reliant world. The Tibbetts Award is SBA’s way of recognizing those small businesses who embody an entrepreneurial spirit and help bolster the U.S. economy through technological innovation,” said SBA Central and Southern Ohio District Director Everett M. Woodel Jr. “We are incredibly proud of Endurica founder Dr. Will Mars and his team for their work in revolutionizing rubber product design worldwide and for being recognized as the only Ohio-based recipient of the 2020 Tibbetts Award.”

Endurica’s advancements in rubber product design have led to cost savings in development programs and more durable parts for the U.S. Army, ultimately ensuring the safety of military personnel and civilians.

“I am very proud to receive this prestigious recognition on behalf of our team. We won the U.S. Army as our first paying customer through the SBIR program, and this enabled us to commercialize game-changing tools for analyzing the fatigue performance of elastomers,” said Endurica president Dr. William Mars. “Over the last decade, we’ve continued to improve our tools and the business. Today, we have a growing user base, six of the top 12 global rubber product producers (by revenue) are using Endurica solutions in their applications, and there are hundreds of trained users globally.”

The SBIR/STTR programs are a key pillar in the federal government’s strategy for a strong national economy, providing seed capital to innovative entrepreneurs in science, technology, and engineering. The program, known as America’s Seed Fund, focuses on funding critical technology areas that are too high risk or early-stage for traditional venture capital.

Since its inception in 1982, the program has awarded over 170,000 awards with over $50 billion in funding to small businesses through 11 participating federal agencies. It boasts one of the highest returns on taxpayer investment when measuring federal funding and economic impact.

In total 38 companies, seven organizations and 14 individuals were announced as winners. Details on each can be found at