Findlay Police Department Citizen Survey Results

The Findlay Police Department has released the results of its 2020 Citizen Survey.

The anonymous survey posed several key questions to assist the department in determining citizen perceptions of safety, quality of life and the quality of police services.

The police department says community feedback provides helpful insight when establishing goals, enhancing training and shaping the future direction of the department.

The police department received a B for the question ‘I believe the Findlay Police Department does a good job keeping Findlay safe’.

A new question on the survey was the public’s perception of how much crime is occurring.

That question received an F grade, indicating a strong belief that crime in Findlay is increasing, but the police department says that’s not the case.

“Although crime in Findlay has actually been going down – when you look at our previous annual reports – the general perception in the community is that these crimes are actually increasing,” said Crime Prevention Officer Brian White.



Officer White says that grade will be used by the Crime Prevention Division to better engage the community in addressing the prevention of crime.

The police department says more people filled out the 2020 survey than the previous year, and thanks the community members who took the time to fill it out.

The full survey can be seen by clicking here.