New Supplier For Findlay Electric Aggregation Program

The City of Findlay has selected a new supplier for its electric aggregation program.

The city says Constellation NewEnergy was chosen because it offers the best overall value and a rate lower than the rates residents received in the previous program term.

The city has sent out a mailer explaining the offer they negotiated and how people can opt-out if they don’t want to participate in the program.

Full details are in the following news release from the city.

City of Findlay officials are pleased to announce that they have selected Constellation NewEnergy to serve the next term of the City’s electric aggregation program. Constellation recently won a competitive proposal process and was chosen by the City because they provided the best overall value for the program. The City has set a fixed rate of 4.861 cents/kWh for a 3-year term starting with March 2021 meter reads. Residents and small businesses should look for a mailer to arrive on or about January 14, 2021 concerning the new electric aggregation program offer from Constellation.

“The mailer will explain the low offer we negotiated and the means to opt-out should a customer not want to participate in the program,” said Paul Schmelzer, Safety Director of Findlay. Residents will have 21 days to return an opt-out card to Constellation, if they decide not to participate. Schmelzer concluded by saying, “We’re excited about the 36-month offer of 4.861 cents/kWh. That rate is lower than the alternative from AEP/Ohio Power, lower than the rates residents received in the previous program term, and we expect participation levels in our program to be high.”

Mayor Christina Muryn said, “We are delighted by the low fixed-rate of 4.861 cents/kWh for Findlay residents and businesses. This low rate will allow residents to predict their costs and will protect them from rising rates for the next three years. Our new rate is very attractive, and as before our program has no early termination fee.”

Any residents who have already chosen a supplier on their own may still join the program and get the same rate, terms, and conditions as their neighbors if they wish. These residents will have to contact Constellation at 833-930-3162 in order to join the program, and should review their current supply contracts to make sure there are no early termination fees.

The City is pleased to have made this program possible but asks that you do not call the City offices. They are not equipped to handle a large volume of calls. If residents have any questions, they should contact Constellation at 833-930-3162 after they receive their letter.