COVID Cases Surging In Hancock County, Across State

The latest data from Hancock Public Health shows that COVID-19 cases are still on the rise in the county.

The agency says, as of Friday,  there have been a total of 1,761 cases in the county since the pandemic began, which is an increase of 116 from Wednesday.

Active cases stood at 258 on Friday, which is an increase of 12 from Wednesday.

Active cases are patients who are currently under quarantine or isolation.

33 Hancock County residents have died from the virus.

As of Friday, 20 people were currently in the hospital with COVID and three were in the ICU.

Hancock County on Thursday was moved up to level three, or the ‘red’ level, on the state’s COVID-19 alert map.

Level 3 is defined as very high exposure and spread.

Statewide on Friday, another 8,071 cases were reported along with 42 deaths.

There have been 282,528 cases of the virus in Ohio since the pandemic began and  5,700 deaths.

Hancock County Health Commissioner Karim Baroudi says:

We can reverse the current trend if we all work together to reduce the spread. We should all take a close look at the plans we have put in place to protect our families, our employees, our co-workers, and our community. This will be especially important during the upcoming holiday season as we are all accustomed to getting together with friends and family.