The Hancock County Common Pleas Court recently held its first trial at the Marathon Center for the Performing Arts in Findlay.
Judge Reginald Routson says they needed a location to accommodate for social distancing during the pandemic and the MCPA was very welcoming.
The judge says they’ve been holding court proceedings including the Grand Jury there for several months but this was the first trial.
He says other trials had been scheduled but the cases resolved themselves and didn’t go to trial.
Judge Routson wanted to reiterate how welcoming and helpful the MCPA has been through this whole process.
MCPA Executive Director Heather Clow says MCPA is first and foremost a community space.
“While our arts programming has been curtailed during the pandemic, we’re excited for this new partnership with the Common Pleas Court, and to play a small role in ensuring that those proceeding are able to happen in a safe environment. We’re looking forward to continuing that relationship and other creative opportunities like this one in the future.”
Judge Routson says they are prepared to hold future trials at the MCPA instead of at the Hancock County Courthouse through at least the remainder of 2020.
(below is the view the jurors have from their socially distanced seats)