With flu season approaching, Hancock Public Health is putting together some drive-thru flu clinics where people can get vaccinated.
As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, Health Director Karim Baroudi says it’s more important than ever to get the flu vaccine this year.
He says it is possible to come down with the flu and the coronavirus at the same time.
The drive-thru flu clinics will be held at the Legacy Building at the Hancock County Fairgrounds.
One will be held on September 18th from 10 to 2 and 3 to 6, and the other will be held on October 10th from 8 to noon.
Most insurance plans will cover the cost of the vaccine.
For people who do not have insurance the cost is as follows:
Children $20
High Dose 65+ $60
Flublok 18+ $60
Flulaval 6 months+ $40
People are being asked to fill out some required paperwork ahead of time, and more details on that can be found here.