Mayor Encouraging People To Stay Active During Pandemic

While Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn hasn’t been able to hold any new Move with the Mayor events during the pandemic, she’s been encouraged by the number of people she’s seen out and about getting some exercise.

Muryn, pictured above walking with some schoolkids last September, says Findlay has been designated as a Heart Healthy Community by the American Heart Association and the Move with the Mayor campaign received the Silver designation from the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention for their efforts in getting people to improve their heart health.

“Mayor Muryn is providing great leadership at home in Findlay and on the national level,” said John M. Clymer, executive director of the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention.

“At home, she is demonstrating that even someone with a super busy schedule can fit more walking into their daily routine. Beyond Ohio, she introduced a U.S. Conference of Mayors resolution urging cities to answer the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities. The nation’s mayors passed it unanimously.”

The mayor spoke earlier this year at the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention about how even just making small changes, like going for a walk, can have a big impact on your health.

Mayor Muryn’s Move with the Mayor campaign has included walks with community members, schoolkids and even dogs.

She says they’ll start scheduling some new Move with the Mayor events in the near future which will follow social distancing guidelines.

In the meantime, she’s encouraging everyone to stay active and to have some fun with it like she did in the video below.