The Hancock Park District’s Zonta Landing Boat Rentals opens on Saturday, May 23rd.
Details are in the following news release from the park district.
Launch summer fun at Hancock Park District’s (HPD) Zonta Landing Boat Rentals at the Riverside Park Waterfront at 231 McManness Avenue. The boat livery rents canoes and kayaks beginning Memorial Day weekend on May 23 through Labor Day, on weekends and holidays from 1 to 7 p.m.
The standard boat rental fee is $5 per ½ hour for canoes and kayaks. The Special Float Trip Option is $20 per canoe and $10 per solo kayak for approximately two hours. Float trips begin and end at Zonta Landing. Boating is limited to an area upstream past the Findlay Country Club golf course, Eastpoint Area, and Vogelsong Conservation Area to State Route 568/Sandusky Street Bridge and back.
Because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the need for safety precautions, new procedures are in place for boat rentals:
1. When approaching the boathouse from the trail, stop at the designated location and wait to be called by the attendant. Seven persons to a group is the maximum.
2. Rental groups are expected to practice social distancing while waiting. Social distance means at least six feet apart, unless group members live together.
3. Wearing masks while in line and throughout the transaction process is recommended.
4. Exact payment in the form of cash or a check made payable to the Hancock Park District is preferred so that less cash handling can occur and so that the transaction will be faster.
5. After making payment and receiving paddles and personal floatation devices, renters can take the stairs down to the beach area and dock where the boats await. To further promote social distancing, boaters are expected to enter and exit boats without assistance. However, assistance will be provided upon request.
6. Personal flotation devices should be on and properly fastened before entering the dock and boats.
7. When the float trip is over, exit the dock, leave paddles and personal floatation devices on the beach, and exit the beach area to the left by walking up the ramp to further promote social distancing and to maintain the one-way in, one-way out pedestrian traffic pattern.
8. The boathouse and beach area will be controlled to the extent possible so that only boat rental patrons are in the area.
9. Boats, paddles, and personal floatation devices will be cleaned and disinfected before and after each use.
The rental process is, by design, slower and more deliberate than the normal process. Minimizing the number of persons gathered and promoting social distancing are the overarching safety precautions being applied with the well-being of employees and patrons in mind. For more information about other upcoming park programs and events, visit our park “Calendar” at or call the HPD Administrative Office at 419-425-7275.