Monthly Archives: April 2020

Demand High For Temporary Food Truck Rest Area Permits

The Ohio Department of Transportation says they’ve had hundreds of food truck operators sign up to feed truck drivers at rest stops.

Governor Mike DeWine on Friday said that food trucks could sign up for free permits to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 200 people quickly applied for a permit.

The move is meant to provide essential people on the road with hot meals while dining rooms stay closed as part of the state stay-at-home order.

“Truck drivers are the lifeblood of the economy and their jobs have never been more critical than now, said Governor DeWine.

Hancock County Remains At 19 Cases Of Coronavirus

Hancock Public Health had no new cases of the coronavirus to report on Tuesday.

The number of confirmed cases remained at 19, and one resident has died from the virus.

Seven of the patients are hospitalized.

Statewide as of Tuesday, there were 7,280 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Ohio and 324 deaths.

People experiencing coronavirus symptoms should call the COVID-19 Triage & Testing Center at Blanchard Valley Hospital at 419-423-7890, or the center at Bluffton Hospital at 419-369-2399.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, shortness of breath, fever of 100.4 degrees or greater and fatigue.

New Order To Share Coronavirus Information With Dispatchers

Governor DeWine in his Tuesday coronavirus update said that the virus is peaking at lower levels thanks to the efforts of Ohioans but that it’s still affecting a lot of people.

“There are still a lot of losses and a lot of sickness going on. This is still a really tough time for many out there,” DeWine said as he implored people to continue following social distancing guidelines.

Ohio’s health director, Dr. Amy Acton said with the lack of personal protective equipment available they have to do all they can to protect first responders.

And that’s why the state is issuing a new order to share positive coronavirus name and address information with dispatchers so first responders can be properly protected when responding to an emergency.

As of Tuesday there were 7,280 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Ohio and 324 deaths.

The governor says because Ohio can currently only test the sickest individuals and those working on the frontlines, the total number of cases is most certainly higher.

Community Gardens Taking Applications For Season

A community garden in Findlay that helps people become food secure is taking applications from those interested in managing a plot.

Details are in the following news release from the United Way of Hancock County.

The Community Gardens of Hancock County is accepting applications for the 2020 garden season.

The garden is located at 1800 N. Blanchard St., and its mission is to educate and equip individuals to become food secure and to work in harmony with their neighbors.

The growing season will begin in May and runs through late October.

Those interested in managing a plot may apply here. 

An application form can also be picked up at United Way of Hancock County, 245 Stanford Parkway, Findlay, when it reopens after the COVID-19 restrictions have lifted.

Organizations, churches or youth groups may apply.

The Community Gardens of Hancock County is a collaborative effort and supported by The Findlay-Hancock Community Foundation, United Way of Hancock County with assistance from the Master Gardener Volunteers and Ohio State University Hancock County Extension office.

Call 419-423-1432 or email Heather Heilman at for more information.

Sheriff’s Office, PD Holding Virtual Coffee With A Cop

The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office and Findlay Police Department will be holding a virtual Coffee With A Cop on Friday.

People are encouraged to watch on Facebook Live and submit questions that can be answered by Sheriff Heldman and a representative from the police department.

Officials point out that there’s no agenda or speeches, just a chance to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know the officers in the community.

It will be on both the sheriff’s office and police department Facebook pages.

It goes from 11 a.m. to noon on Friday, April 17th.

The usual meeting place is Coffee Amici, and the police department says while it’s unfortunate they can’t meet with the public in person because of the pandemic, they encourage everyone to continue supporting local businesses during the pandemic and to support the ones that reopen afterward.

Dr. Says We Might Have To Wear Face Masks For A Year

Wearing a face mask in public may become a normal way of life for some time into the future.

Dr. Amy Acton, the director of the Ohio Department of Health has been a big advocate of the use face masks in daily activity.

“These masks are actually now being viewed in the studies that are being done as yet another weapon to help us get back to normalcy,” and to prevent the coronavirus from reoccurring, she said.

The doctor said she believes we may have to continue to wear face masks for up to a year as businesses start to reopen to keep the virus at bay.

Hancock County At 19 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus

Hancock County health officials reported one new case of the coronavirus on Monday, bringing the total number of cases to 19.

Seven of the patients are hospitalized.

Hancock County has had one resident die from the virus.

Statewide there were 6,881 confirmed cases as of Monday and 268 deaths.

Putnam County reported its first case on Monday.

People experiencing coronavirus symptoms should call the COVID-19 Triage & Testing Center at Blanchard Valley Hospital at 419-423-7890, or the center at Bluffton Hospital at 419-369-2399.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, shortness of breath, fever of 100.4 degrees or greater and fatigue.

UF Hosting Virtual Discovery Day And Online Tours

The University of Findlay is holding a Virtual Discovery Day on Friday, April 17th.

Since the pandemic has made it impossible to conduct their usual on-campus tours for prospective students, UF will now be conducting online tours.

Virtual Discovery Day will showcase the university’s unique programs at the UF farms including animal science, pre-vet, western equestrian and English equestrian.

The university’s full write-up on Virtual Discovery Day is available here.

Putnam County Has Its First Confirmed Case Of Coronavirus

The Putnam County Health Department is reporting the county’s first confirmed case of coronavirus.

They said the patient is a 50-year-old woman who lives in the county.

The health department is working to identify close contacts of the woman who may require monitoring of symptoms or testing for COVID-19.

“With confirmed cases of COVID-19 being reported in counties around us and throughout most of Ohio, we are not surprised with the notification of our first case,” said Kim Rieman, Putnam County Health Department’s Health Commissioner.

“The health department has been working with many partners including our healthcare providers, EMA, agencies, first responders and other partners to prepare for our response to cases of COVID-19 in our community.”

The health commissioner is asking that residents continue to follow social distancing measures and proven methods to stay healthy.

Get more advice from the health department here.

Ohio U.S. Senator Pushing For Bonuses For Frontline Workers

Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown wants those who are putting their health at risk to serve in essential jobs during the pandemic to get better financial compensation.

Brown’s says healthcare workers, police and fire, grocery store employees, drivers of trucks and city buses – all sorts of people are on the front line with many getting low pay.

“Thanking our frontline workers and calling them heroes isn’t enough when they’re risking their lives to keep us safe – we need to pay and protect them. Members of Congress can back up their words with an up to $25,000 bonus and safety protections for ALL essential workers,” Brown tweeted.

Brown’s Pandemic Premium Pay would provide them with a bonus of up to $25,000, and a $15,000 signing bonus for new workers.

Brown says he wants it to be a combination of federal and private money.