Second Flag City Honor Flight Of The Year

It’ll be a special day for dozens of area veterans as they take part in the second Flag City Honor Flight of the year.

77 veterans and their guardians from the Findlay area are flying to Washington D.C. on Tuesday to visit the war memorials there.

Once in our nation’s capital, the veterans will by bus to the WWII, Korean, and Vietnam memorials and observe the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

The return flight will arrive in Toledo at Grand Aire Hangar at approximately 9:45 pm.

A welcome home ceremony with family members will follow. The public is welcome to attend.

The caravan should arrive back in Findlay around midnight.

The trip is absolutely free for the veterans.

The trip is made possible by the generous donations of several individuals, organizations and local businesses.

With the successful June flight, more than 1,000 veterans have flown on Honor Flight through the Flag City hub of the National Honor Flight Network since 2010.