Hard Work Pays Off For Students In Junior Fair Livestock Sale

All the hard work paid off for students in the Jr. Fair Livestock Auction on the final day of the Hancock County Fair on Monday.

We caught up with Jr. Fair Queen Hannah Betts outside the auction.

Hannah, a graduate of Van Buren High School, says people really stepped up to support the livestock sale in what’s been a tough year for farmers.

“We posted a video earlier from the chamber of commerce trying to get different types of buyers, and I believe we’ve had more of a variety of buyers this year due to that video so we’re very happy that they came out to support our youth.”

She said her market turkey sold for $445.

It’s been a very busy time for the fair queen.

As soon as the fair wrapped up late Monday Hannah had to drive to Wilmington College where she could be found in a lecture hall the following morning.

She’s a freshman, studying Agricultural Education and Animal Science.