Jail Study Process Moving Forward, Commissioners Disagree About Previous Meetings

2/28/19 – 11:20 A.M.

Hancock County Commissioner Mark Gazarek raised concerns about the bid process for the construction of a new jail during Thursday’s commissioner’s meeting. Gazarek says discussions already held with contractors have raised some red flags with others who might bid on the project…


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Gazarek adds he was against the meetings and believes it’s unethical to have companies come in for meetings before formally requesting bids.

Commissioner Brian Robertson disagreed. Robertson says the previous meetings were part of due diligence…


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Robertson says previous meetings with contractors have allowed the commissioners to learn more about what the scope of the jail project might include, but haven’t gotten into specifics.

The commissioners passed a resolution Thursday that authorizes them to seek letters of qualification from companies interested in providing a jail assessment study. Gazarek says the study will take into account the needs of the entire Hancock County justice system.