Hancock County Officials Unveil Strategic Plan

1/18/19 – 11:54 A.M.

Hancock County officials unveiled a strategic plan Friday. The plan outlines goals that elected officials want to meet within the next 10 years. Commissioner Brian Robertson says getting the plan together took a large amount of collaboration between county offices…


Common Pleas Court Judge Jonathan Starn says the plan is a good jumping off point…


For example, Starn says they know flood mitigation will be an ongoing issue. What they don’t know is what specific flood issues might arise in five years. Starn says the strategic plan gives the county a good framework to deal with situations like that.

Some of the goals include increasing the rainy day fund to the state maximum, completing the jail expansion and construction of the new juvenile and probate court, and improvement of child welfare in the county.

Each goal contains benchmark numbers and target completion dates. For example, part of the plan includes raising six transportation corridors. The goal for this year is two have to get the engineering done on two of the potential projects.

The plans also include efforts to increase safety and security for Hancock County residents and to retain county employees at a higher rate.