Republican Lt. Governor Candidate Jon Husted Brings Campaign To Findlay

10/22/18 – 12:00 P.M.

Republican Lt. Governor candidate Jon Husted brought his campaign to Findlay Monday. Speaking with WFIN’s Chris Oaks, Husted said he and Mike DeWine want to make sure schools have access to a resource officer as well as mental health professionals…

Audio: Jon Husted

Husted compared he and Mike DeWine’s economic vision with Democrats Richard Cordray and Betty Sutton…

Audio: Jon Husted

Husted said that Cordray wants to put in place policies that go against practices that have led to Ohio’s economic recovery.

Husted says he and DeWine would have a strong focus on kids if elected in November…

Audio: Jon Husted

Husted says they’ll do that by working to create a well-educated workforce in the state. He says that will help people earn higher incomes.

Husted met with Findlay Mayor Lydia Mihalik and the Courier editorial board while in Findlay.