8/16/18 – 5:07 A.M.
A Hancock County grand jury has voiced concern about overcrowding in the Hancock County jail. The group made their comments following a recent quarterly tour of the facility. Following their tour, the grand jury released a statement that said, “More space is obviously necessary for housing inmates. The fact that the holding cells, drunk tank, and other specifically-designed facilities are now being used simply as cells for overflow inmates is quite disheartening.”
Sheriff Mike Heldman says it’s good for the grand jury to see the facility. He adds it helps the public learn more about the issues the jail faces.
Heldman says the Hancock County justice system was holding around 125 people Wednesday morning. 103 were in the Hancock County Jail, while the rest were in jails in surrounding counties. Hancock County has to pay the other counties to house inmates from here.
MORE: The Courier